netdecking with the stars
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250 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Saskia The Unyielding Adriano "yusuke" Duel Commander [RC] 10ª Liga Real Commander @ Rio de Janeiro (Brasil) 5-8 26/10/22
Saskia The Unyielding Adriano Yusuke Duel Commander [RC] 9ª Liga Real Commander @ Rio de Janeiro (Brasil) 2 28/08/22
Saskia The Unyielding Adriano Yusuke Duel Commander [RC] 8ª Liga Real Commander @ Rio de Janeiro (Brasil) 5-8 17/07/22
Saskia The Unyielding Adriano Yussuke Duel Commander 6a Liga Real Commander @ Vanguarda (Bangu/RJ) 5-8 17/04/22
Saskia Adriano Yussuke Duel Commander Real Commander Vanguarda 2 @ Vanguarda Geek (Bangu/RJ) 3-4 27/02/22
Jeska + Tymna Renan Da Massa Duel Commander DuWell Commander @ Cúpula do Trovão (Pelotas, Brasil) 3 19/02/22
Saskia Adriano Yusuke Duel Commander Torneio Real Vanguarda @ Bangu (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) 1 30/01/22
Saskia the Unyielding Nixon Tengco Duel Commander DC Boksing Trials @ CMCK Canlubang (Laguna, Philippines) 2 24/07/21
Saskia The Unyielding Martin Hugues Duel Commander MagicMasters DC @ Tableraze (Montpellier, France) 2 01/02/20
Saskia Martin Hugues Duel Commander Modern Times DC @ Pignan 5-8 12/01/20
Aristocrats Tomo Pjanic Canadian Highlander Thursday Night Highlander @ The Gamers' Emporium (London, ON) 4 03/01/19
Akiri / Reyhan David Cihak Duel Commander Bohemia DC Prague 7th @ Prague @ Prague 2 24/11/18
Mardu Aggro Brad Garrod Canadian Highlander Thursday Night Highlander @ The Gamers' Emporium (London, ON) 2 22/11/18
Alesha Combo Bombardement Nathalie Vieh Duel Commander AmicaleRolistesRetraités #11 @ Carnac 3-4 28/10/18
Mardu Aggro Kevin Besta Canadian Highlander There Can Be Only One, Eh? @ Mox Boarding House Seattle 5-8 23/06/18
Partner Aggro Vazdru MTGO Commander MTGO Commander League 2 01/06/17
Vial/bruse Midrange Bjoern Hoffmann Duel Commander FNM Hiveworld 1 31/03/17
BRW axksel Modern MTGO Competitive Modern Constructed League 9 09/01/17
Saskia, the Unyielding Ben Heckländer Duel Commander Duel In The Castle (Paderborn, Germany) 5-8 08/01/17
4c Blood Alexander K. Highlander Metagame Masters #6 Berlin 3 04/06/16
5C Value State Warriors Jan Highlander Berlin (FNM) 2 15/04/16
4c Blood Simo Stigman Highlander Highlander Finnish Champs @ Poromagia, Helsinki 5 09/04/16
4c Blood Tom F. Highlander Metagame Masters #5 Berlin 1 27/02/16
4c Blood Jürgen Böhmel Highlander Win-A-Dual Würzburg 3 07/02/16
Mardu Midrange Daniel Seidl Standard SCG Standard - Columbus 5-8 30/01/16
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